What to Do When Your Kids and Family Get Head Lice

Many children in any given school may develop head lice and your kids may get them too. You may feel embarrassed when this happens, especially when you know that you keep the house clean. So what can you do?

First, don't be embarrassed. The fact that your kid has head lice isn't a reflection on the cleanliness of your home, personal hygiene, or your economic status. Head lice are all over where there are a lot of children in small spaces like classrooms. Head lice don't fly or jump but are transmitted through direct contact, like by sharing grooming aids such as combs and brushes and by sharing caps and scarves. Teach your kid not to share these personal items.

Head lice are so tiny to be seen with the naked eye. You need a magnifying glass to spot them. You are most likely to view the nits (the eggs), which look like specks of sugar, adhering to the base of the hair shaft close to the nape of the neck or round the ears. When you see these nits, don't panic; they're easy to eradicate. Treatment of head lice is a lot easier today than it used to be. The newer over-the-counter shampoos are nearly as effective and much safer than the stronger prescription shampoos of yesteryear. These shampoos go with a specially designed nit comb which takes out the nits without damaging the hair shaft. Shampoo your child's hair as directed and repeat the shampooing 7 to 10 days later. Thoroughly clean personal articles like combs, brushes, scarves, hats, towels and bed clothing—anything that touches the hair—in really hot water. Dry clothing and linens in the hot Cycle in the dryer, or have the items dry-cleaned. When this is impractical, putting items in a sealed plastic bag for ten days would kill the lice and eggs. When your kid has head lice, don't treat her like a leper. They're not highly contagious, and are more source of irritation and embarrassment than an actual medical problem.

Natural and Homemade Remedies for Head Lice

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