Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

 There are many causes of bad breath, but with careful study of the problem the cause can usually be determined and treated.
Bad breath, or halitosis, is a problem of great concern to many people. The word “halitosis” comes from the Latin “halitus” (breath) and the Greek suffix “osis” (condition or pathologic process).
There are many causes of bad breath, but with careful study of the problem the cause can usually be determined and treated.

* Dehydration is a primary cause of bad breath. Drink enough water to keep the urine pale at all times. Early morning halitosis is often caused by dehydration. There is no flow of saliva during sleep, which allows putrefaction of the oral epithelial cells which have flaked off, but have not been removed by the flow of saliva.
* Disorders of the oral cavity are felt to cause 56 to 85 percent of all cases of bad breath. Poor oral hygiene, plaque, caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, “hairy tongue,” and oral carcinoma have all been known to cause bad breath. Proper dental care, frequent flossing and brushing of the teeth, and brushing of the tongue are adequate to control bad breath in most cases. The American Council Dental Therapeutics believes that mouthwash does not substantially contribute to oral health and the Food and Drug Administration has required the manufacturers of mouthwash to stop using advertisements claiming that their product is effective in destroying the bacteria that cause bad breath. Toothpaste is pleasant to use for oral hygiene.
* Breathing through the mouth causes bad breath by decreasing the amount of saliva due to evaporation. Such conditions as enlarged adenoids, nasal infection, hay fever, and a deviated nasal septum encourage mouth breathing.
* A foul smelling discharge associated with sinusitis may cause bad breath. Treating the sinusitis will cure the bad breath. Adenoids, pulmonary abcess, bronchiectasis, empyema, peritonsillar abcesses, tonsillitis, etc. and numerous systemic diseases may also induce bad breath.
* Brush the tongue carefully. The tongue is often coated with food particles or debris and should be cleaned.
* If you suspect that you have bad breath you may use a simple test. Touch the back of your hand with your tongue and smell the hand. The odor will give you the answer. Another test is to cover the mouth and nose with both hands and exhale strongly, smelling the breath.
* Detergent foods such as apples, carrots, celery, etc., help in cleansing the teeth and removing odor-causing bacteria from the mouth.
* Some people believe that outdoor exercise, such as walking, brings more oxygen into the lungs, diluting and removing odorous substances in the system and decreasing bad breath.
* Halitosis has also been called “heavy breath.” Reports of food allergies inducing heavy breath have appeared in the medical literature. A trial period of elimination of the most common allergy-producing foods may be worthwhile.
* The therapy of true halitosis lies in reducing in the diet the intake of fatty aromatic substances, particularly the milk or butter fats.
* Avoiding constipation will help reduce bad breath.
* Taking charcoal tablets by mouth will also help reduce bad breath caused by constipation or oral factors. Let the charcoal tablet dissolve slowly in the mouth.
* Thyme tea may be quite helpful in cases of bad breath caused by gastric disturbances

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