Hair Care During Winter

Many things can happen to your hair during winter -- and most of these are not good.  Here are ways to care for your hair in winter time to prevent if from further damage.

- During winter, hair has a tendency to dry out.  Switch to a shampoo formula made for dry hair instead of the standard shampoo. Dilute the shampoo with water before using it on your hair.

- Flyaway hair is common due to winter’s dryness, which makes it conducive to static energy. Regularly use a conditioner to keep hair more manageable.

- Here's a homemade remedy for static hair. Combine 1/2 cup of any cream conditioner, two teaspoonfuls sesame oil, and one egg yolk and mix in a blender for a minute. Apply and massage the mixture onto your hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap leave on for half an hour.  Shampoo and rinse your hair well.

- Before using the hair brush, dip it into water mixed with conditioner to coat the bristles.

- When your scalp begins to flake due to dryness. Switch to a milder, castile-type shampoo for a couple of washes and check if it improves.

- Be careful when applying heat to your hair. Use warm-to-cool setting on your blow dryer especially on damp hair. This prevents hair from over-drying. Never use hot rollers or curling irons on damp hair— unless you want your hair cooked!

- Once a month, treat your hair to a hot oil treatment to give it that extra deep conditioning. This will tone down brittle ends and hair will grow softer.

- To avoid hair static use wooden or metal combs and brushes. Avoid using those plastic or natural-fiber types, which creates more static.  You could also "de-static" a brush by slipping a nylon stocking on the bristles.

© 2011 Athena Goodlight