How Women Athletes Cope With the Effects of Menstrual Cycle
A lot of women think that their menstrual period would adversely impact performance. This inquiry has been analyzed extensively via analysis of the times of female swimmers, and by considering the accomplishments of women athletes in the Olympic Games.
A lot of women think that their menstrual period would adversely impact performance. This inquiry has been analyzed extensively via analysis of the times of female swimmers, and by considering the accomplishments of women athletes in the Olympic Games. Both sources offered accurate measures of performance, which were correlated with the menstrual cycles of the players. It was discovered that women have set world records and won gold medals throughout every phase of the menstrual cycle, with low significant variance in reference to the cycle. For a few women, there might be some small physical decline resultant from pre-menstrual tension, but there’s no impact on the actual flow. Variations at any given time throughout the cycle are exceedingly slight, if they happen at all.
One important effect of menstruation, however, is to exhaust the body of iron. As much as 15 to 20 percent of the young women entering in a given athletic program might be slightly deficient in that nutrient and might need a dietary supplement every day. Some time throughout adolescence after the beginning of menstruation, female athletes must have a medical appraisal made of their iron condition. It’s important to have and keep proper levels of iron since even a mild deficiency may significantly intervene with athletic performance.
Several young women athletes getting in advanced training programs have been worried about cessation of menstrual periods—a not so uncommon condition. As much as 20 percent of women included in endurance sports like swimming, running, skiing and gymnastics have discovered that their periods have ceased completely for as long as 3 to 4 years. Oftentimes, but not always, it accompanies significant weight loss as a consequence of dieting in readying for a arduous sport like gymnastics. It is also connected with psychological stress made by intense competition.
There’s no need to concern oneself about such condition which, in fact, frequently happens among young women who aren’t athletes at all. If the training and competition are done, normal menstruation and obstetrical workings return. As a matter of fact, research indicates that female athletes have fewer troubles with pregnancy than non-athletes.
Considering the physical capacities of women, what can we say about their involvement in athletics? Are other sports a bit strenuous or poses a danger for them? As we have checked, the answer to this is a resounding “no”. There’s no tangible reason for a woman to be exempt from any sport, even in football, as long as she is in fine condition and plays with those who are approximately her same size. She should learn how to mind her body and how to prevent debilitating over-exertion, but this is not any different for her than it is for a male athlete.
© 4/19/2011 Athena Goodlight on Sportales
Specialty Fitness Training to Prepare for Sports Scholarship
There are many elements of physical fitness: body size and composition, flexibility, speed, agility, muscle strength-power-endurance, and cardio-respiratory endurance.
There are many elements of physical fitness: body size and composition, flexibility, speed, agility, muscle strength-power-endurance, and cardio-respiratory endurance. Athletes involved in the more physically narrowed down sports, like track and field, or swimming, require only focus on one or two of these, but athletes in sports requiring a greater variety of abilities, like basketball, soccer, or gymnastics, have to be concerned with every aspect of physical fitness. Regrettably, training in one area (say, speed) doesn’t cross over to another area (like flexibility). Separate focus must be devoted to each.
The best general training routines recognized to sport science will not befit each athlete precisely. Different athletes react to training differently. Modify the programs in order to achieve the needed results for your physical evaluation.
Specialty Training
A varsity cross-country runner might be able to run incessantly for one to two hours, but find himself totally breathless after 15 minutes of full-court basketball play. This is an instance of the training precept of specificity. The runner’s physiology is exquisitely tuned for long, moderate-intensity exercises but is totally out of sync with the recurrent full-scale exertions called for in basketball. The distance runner’s leg muscles are adjusted for energy efficiency and have greater than normal sums of glycogen (muscle sugar stored for fuel). In counterpoint, the basketball player’s muscles are chemically conformed to his needs wherein he can bear recurrent short bouts of maximum effort with a low intervening time to catch for breath. Most sports call for at least some short, high output bursts. Hence, practically every athlete must include specialty training in their total program of physical training.
The best kind of specialty training is recurrent all-out dashes holding out 10 to 30 seconds each, having a 3 to 5 minute rest between every work interval. Specialty training isn’t designed to burn out the athlete, but instead, to train his muscles to hold out repeated high intensity work well, without fatigue. Since the work periods are quick and the rest interval comparatively long, the heart rate might never reach maximum levels. You must try to keep body speeds of 90 to 100% of your maximum.
Specialty training is hard and demands a high level of motivation. Therefore, the above methods are suggested merely for the two month pre-season training time period. Specialty training is incorporated about halfway into this period and must be progressively stressed up to the time official practice starts.
The fundamental exercise modes for specialty training are running and swimming (if your major sport is swimming). You’re encouraged, however, to have your own specialty training drills; ones that exactly simulate your own competitive moves. Since straight-ahead running is popular to several sports, specialty drills utilizing running would often be effective.
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What are The Side Effects of Green Tea During Pregnancy?
According to some reports, drinking a bit much green tea when pregnant is not good. Why is that?
It is very crucial to supervise the health of pregnant women to guarantee the health of both the mother and the baby. A few expectant mothers are quite apprehensive due to the various changes that happens in their body. Doctors frequently recommend a diet regimen for pregnant mothers and if you’re one of those pregnant women out there, you must be extra careful with your food consumption to avert any problems or complications.
According to some reports, drinking a bit much green tea when pregnant is not good. Why is that? Doctors and researchers were able to demonstrate that green tea carries caffeine. Caffeine consumption is discouraged during pregnancy because of particular side effects.
In spite of the numerous health benefits of green tea which involves cancer prevention, improving the heart’s health, promoting the immune system, dental health, aids digestion, lowers cholesterol, lowers the level of blood sugar, and a lot more, it is not advisable to drink green tea when you are pregnant.
The EGCG or epigallocatechins whichis present in green tea, impacts the use of folate inside the body. Folate is really important during pregnancy since it can assist in preventing birth defects in the neural tube. EGCG gets harmful in pregnancy since it resembles the structure of methotrexate. The latter can eliminate cancer cells by bonding an enzyme called DHFR or dihydrofolate reductase.
The folate nerve tract carries these enzymes and since the EGCG is like methotrexate, it also adheres with the enzyme and when this happens, the enzyme is deactivated. Once the enzymes are deactivated, the body can not utilize folate effectively. There has not been any absolute studies which show how much green tea a pregnant woman must consume or how much folate can be impacted.
Likewise, there are already reports which shows caffeine to cause miscarriage and lower birth weight amongst babies. Drinking around six cups of coffee per day can unquestionably affect your baby’s weight at birth. If you do not want your baby to suffer, you may have a cup of coffee a day or better yet, you can just stop drinking coffee altogether. The caffeine in green tea is much lower than that of coffee but as said earlier, ask your doctor about it first.
Pregnancy would only take 9 months so you need to enjoy it. Even when you undergo a lot of body changes, just imagine that you’ll rejoice the day your precious baby comes. If you are able to avoid drinking caffeined drinks, then try to keep one’s distance from them.
Who are At Risk for of Ovarian Cysts?
The most challenging area of patient care for a doctor is presented by cysts that occur between two extremes in the reproductive life of women — puberty and menopause.
A cyst found in a young girl prior to menstruation stage is alarming and could possibly be malignant 50 percent of the time. In a post-menopausal woman, an ovarian cyst may most likely be malignant. In both of these age groups, diagnostic surgery is necessary to make an absolute identification. This can be done by either diagnostic laparoscopy or diagnostic laparotomy to examine the ovary. A sonogram can help in the diagnosis.
In the 20s age group, while cancer is a remote possibility, the most common cyst found is the nonmalignant follicular cyst. This cyst occurs when the normal follicle or sac that natured to release an egg does not shrink after release of the egg. It is soft, has a thin membrane wall and contains clear fluid. Usually, it spontaneously disappears over the course of one or more menstrual cycles.
However, if the cyst ruptures, it can cause severe pain for several days. A doctor will usually treat the condition by prescribing a mild pain medication. Depending on the size of the cyst, it can just be observed or treated with birth control pills for two or three months.
Another cause of cysts is endometriosis. This is a disease in which tissue normally found in the uterus implants itself outside the uterus, causing complex ovarian cysts, commonly called chocolate cysts. Up to 60% of women with endometriosis do not have symptoms of this disease, such as chronic pelvic pain, severe menstrual cramps, pain during sex, increasing fatigue, painful bowel movements or painful urination, low resistance to infections, or extensive allergies. A routine pelvic exam is often the first indication of the disease. The most important thing a woman who has an ovarian cyst can do is to follow the doctor’s advice and return for reexamination when requested.
© 2/20/2011 by Athena Goodlight on Healthmad
A cyst found in a young girl prior to menstruation stage is alarming and could possibly be malignant 50 percent of the time. In a post-menopausal woman, an ovarian cyst may most likely be malignant. In both of these age groups, diagnostic surgery is necessary to make an absolute identification. This can be done by either diagnostic laparoscopy or diagnostic laparotomy to examine the ovary. A sonogram can help in the diagnosis.
In the 20s age group, while cancer is a remote possibility, the most common cyst found is the nonmalignant follicular cyst. This cyst occurs when the normal follicle or sac that natured to release an egg does not shrink after release of the egg. It is soft, has a thin membrane wall and contains clear fluid. Usually, it spontaneously disappears over the course of one or more menstrual cycles.
However, if the cyst ruptures, it can cause severe pain for several days. A doctor will usually treat the condition by prescribing a mild pain medication. Depending on the size of the cyst, it can just be observed or treated with birth control pills for two or three months.
Another cause of cysts is endometriosis. This is a disease in which tissue normally found in the uterus implants itself outside the uterus, causing complex ovarian cysts, commonly called chocolate cysts. Up to 60% of women with endometriosis do not have symptoms of this disease, such as chronic pelvic pain, severe menstrual cramps, pain during sex, increasing fatigue, painful bowel movements or painful urination, low resistance to infections, or extensive allergies. A routine pelvic exam is often the first indication of the disease. The most important thing a woman who has an ovarian cyst can do is to follow the doctor’s advice and return for reexamination when requested.
© 2/20/2011 by Athena Goodlight on Healthmad
First Aid Tips for Nosebleed
Nosebleeding is quite common at any age. Here are some tips to follow when this situation happens.
Among the elderly people, nosebleeding is often an indication of high blood pressure. An injury to the nose or skull may also cause nosebleeding. If a mixture of blood and watery fluid is present, this strongly indicates a fracture of the base of the skull which may have followed a severe blow on the head. It is advisable to have an x-ray of the skull if this is the case.
Another cause of nasal hemorrhage may be an inflammation or irritation inside the nose. Other causes of nosebleed include tuberculosis, vitamin K deficiency, allergies, polyp, nasal infection, nasal tumors, common cold, heavy blowing of the nose, and nose picking among many others.
First aid treatment
Keep the patient in a comfortable upright sitting position with his head slightly tilted back. Apply steady pressure to the side of the bleeding nose. Firmly press on the nostril and hold it for 10-12 minutes; the patient will only breath through the mouth. Never allow the patient to blow his nose. Applying cold compress or cold cloths to the back of the neck or to the face may also help control the nosebleed. If the bleeding continues even with after these first aid procedures, call a doctor immediately. The patient may need to be treated in a hospital or the nearest medical clinic.
While waiting for the doctor to arrive, the patient should avoid coughing if possible because this will only cause more bleeding. Keep a steady pressure on the bleeding nostril. This may be quite painful for the patient, but it will usually keep the bleeding under control.
© 2/16/2011 by Athena Goodlight on Healthmad
Among the elderly people, nosebleeding is often an indication of high blood pressure. An injury to the nose or skull may also cause nosebleeding. If a mixture of blood and watery fluid is present, this strongly indicates a fracture of the base of the skull which may have followed a severe blow on the head. It is advisable to have an x-ray of the skull if this is the case.
Another cause of nasal hemorrhage may be an inflammation or irritation inside the nose. Other causes of nosebleed include tuberculosis, vitamin K deficiency, allergies, polyp, nasal infection, nasal tumors, common cold, heavy blowing of the nose, and nose picking among many others.
First aid treatment
Keep the patient in a comfortable upright sitting position with his head slightly tilted back. Apply steady pressure to the side of the bleeding nose. Firmly press on the nostril and hold it for 10-12 minutes; the patient will only breath through the mouth. Never allow the patient to blow his nose. Applying cold compress or cold cloths to the back of the neck or to the face may also help control the nosebleed. If the bleeding continues even with after these first aid procedures, call a doctor immediately. The patient may need to be treated in a hospital or the nearest medical clinic.
While waiting for the doctor to arrive, the patient should avoid coughing if possible because this will only cause more bleeding. Keep a steady pressure on the bleeding nostril. This may be quite painful for the patient, but it will usually keep the bleeding under control.
© 2/16/2011 by Athena Goodlight on Healthmad
Fish Oil for Better Heart and Brain Function
Numerous studies have established the efficacy of fish oil in improving heart conditions. As evidenced by studies conducted in Denmark, fish oil has been found to reduce risks of heart attacks by fifty percent. The Journal of American Medical Association released a report made by Harvard School of Public Health stating that women who consume fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acid decreases their risk of acquiring heart disease.
These evidences establish only a few of the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acid to our body. Fish oil would not only help improve our life but may also lengthen our life span. Generous amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, and herring. These fishes contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties.
Omega-3 fatty and omega-6 acids are polyunsaturated fats. Omega- 6 acids are found in vegetable oil. Omega-6 is beneficial to the heart and body, but excessive amounts are not healthy either. Omega-3 fatty acids on the other hand, not only helps strengthen the heart but also help in brain development.
EPA and DHA are very beneficial to our body. However, the body does not naturally produce Omega-3 fatty acid. These nutrients have to come from our diet. Omega-3 acids are also referred to as building blocks of our body; for they help in the development of the brain and vision, not only among children but also for adults.
A group of Italian researchers also agree that taking about 1 gram of Omega-3 daily would show significant results on reducing coronary attacks. A medium-sized serving of salmon would contain a gram of Omega-3 fatty acid.
© 2/12/2011 Athena Goodlight on Healthmad
First Aid for Snake Bites
image via Wikipedia |
Snake bites are dangerous. If not cared for promptly, the victim can undergo extreme response to venom and in minutes, the outcome can be fatal. Since majority of snake bites happen in a remote area, emergency medical help is hard to come by. Therefore it is crucial that there is someone in your group having proper first aid training to administer temporary treatment on the victim.
What to do in case of a snake bite:
• The very first thing you must do to the victim is to place him on a safe place. Keep him still and administer the first aid.
• Whenever possible, identify the species of snake that did the biting. Take an image or have a visual memory of the snake when you can't name the species. This is very important because there are several venomous snakes in America and the anti-venom that must be given should be compatible with the snake that bit the victim.
• If you are unable to identify the snake, at least, give the precise location of where the incident occurred. Location supplies clues to the kind of snake that lives in the area.
• Get rid of any tightly fitting clothing, a rope, lace or jewelry and use it to tie a light constrictive bond inches away on two sides of the area that was bitten. Timing is important. So when the victim cries out for help, do this routine in the fastest possible time.
• Ask somebody to call for help. Keep in mind that first aid treatment just aims to forestall, reduce, or slow down the effects of the venom, bring down the complications of the venom and prepare the victim for professional medical treatment. Call 911 immediately.
• Don't cut into the wound since it can just create infections.
• Employ a strong suction using the mouth or use bite kit suction device when available. Do this incessantly on the deepest puncture marks, within seconds of the bite.
• Wash the whole area using soap and warm water. Use antiseptic cleansing agent if available.
• Don't feed the victim nor give him something to drink. Alcohol must not be given to the victim as it could add up to the stress level.
• Keep the victim immobilized and warm.
• Check the bonds constantly. If swelling happens, loosen as needed.
• Inspect for the signs of shock. If there are signs of strange discomfort or major stress, evaluate if the victim needs other first aid methods. Maintain the bite away from the heart. Do this until help arrives.
• Carrying the victim to the hospital is crucial. Be sure that he stays warm, immobilized and comfortable.
• Give words of reassurance that everything will be okay and that survival is out of the question.
• Be quick to provide assistance. Get hold of the relatives of the victim, give valuable information about the incident, keep the scene material and report the first aid administered.
In some circumstances, professional help takes a long time to arrive so be sure to keep your focus, stay calm and coordinate with the people around as first aid training is worthless if you're not able to remain on top of the whole situation.
By Tip Writer
Why First Aid Training is Important
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Accidents are outlined as unfortunate events that you certainly don't ask for. They occur at any place at any time. You can not even anticipate what sort of freak accident will happen at a given time. Precautions should be taken at all times, as we say. How about if something is actually bound to happen? Can you at any rate stop it? The answer would be no. All the same, you can be a huge help if you had some first aid training. Yes, you read it right. A fundamental knowledge in first aid can alter things instantly.
Accidents in the Workplace
Wherever you are, it is appropriate to assume that you're not safe. After all, is there truly a safe place on Earth? You should not doubt it. Nothing is perfect in this world because if it were, then there should be no accidents in the very first place! People commonly get the slightest up to the deepest cuts, they trip and hit the pavement, they fall down, and they break their bones. Anything could happen to a person's body. It is also usual for people to meet accidents when they are in their workplaces. The mishaps course depend on the nature of the job. Typically, there are more life-threatening injuries met by those who handle heavy occupations.
In general, these injuries oftentimes occur during times when the employees are in their workplace. That only shows that it is really vital that people in the premises must be trained in giving first aid.
The Benefits of the Training
Most importantly, those who got the training can assist the employees immediately as soon as the injury has happened. This involves bandaging the wound to keep it sanitary and safe.
Second, breaks or sprains can be briefly tended to before the emergency medical team's arrival.
Third, in circumstances when CPR is called for, the trained person can execute it and thus save the victim.
Fourth, in the cases when the hospital is still too far, the basic first aid can readily be administered by somebody.
The main reason on why it is essential to have the training is to step-up the number of lives saved rather than being wasted.
Ways on How to Acquire the Training
If you are thinking of getting trained in first aid, find the programs that are currently offered in your own community. The fact is, there are countless employers nowadays who have realized the significance of putting someone under this type of training. You could be lucky enough to be selected. When your employer does not offer this, then you could search some schools or medical offices that give the training. In this instance there will be a fee needed but then again you only have to think of the benefits that it will afford you.
Become an Asset to Your Company
When you've been certified to be able to administer first aid, then you plainly increase your value to your company. You could include this expertise into your resume and certainly your future employer will factor this as a plus point. Generally, first aid training can also be made into a career.
By Tip Writer
By Tip Writer
Managing Sports Related Injuries
As an athlete reaches out for optimum performance, ligaments, muscles, tendons, etc. may often be strained to the point of getting injured. In contact sports, like football, ice hockey or lacrosse, collisions result in an assortment of bumps and bruises and casual lacerations. Competition and training with an all-out effort can be likely connected with occasional injuries and it is important to learn how these injuries could be avoided or treated when they do happen.
In Seattle high schools, a survey of sports injuries were done and different sports were studied to determine their level of risk. Injuries happened most generally in contact or stressful sports, like wrestling, football and girls’ gymnastics, and were least common in sports like tennis, swimming and baseball. Those having a moderate figure of injuries included field hockey, basketball, and soccer.
Luckily, most sports injuries are not grave, and don’t make the athlete miss greater than 3 to 5 days of practice session or competition. The injured athlete should always bear the basic obligation for proper injury management, starting and following a management plan that will ensure return to competition as safely and as rapidly as possible. Immediate treatment and proper follow-through on a sound treatment plan are most crucial. Putting off care or neglecting to follow the ordered treatment plan will extend discomfort, cut down effectiveness, and will markedly step-up the odds of undergoing another injury.
You must inform your coach or trainer regarding whatever or all injuries so that you are able to get immediate treatment and get back to the game as soon as possible. Trying to "tough it out" and play with a sore injury can hurt both the player and the team. It is better to stay out of practice 2 or 3 days when having an injury rightly treated, coming back to practice only when completely recovered.
Managing Common Sports Injuries
The common injuries found in sports training and competitions are sprains of ligaments that support bony joints, bruises, and strains of muscles and the tendons that attach the muscles to bones. Fractures or broken bones and dislocated joints are common in sports like skiing and wrestling. Lacerations (cuts) occur generally in some sports. These injuries are not typically dangerous and definitely sprains, minor bruises and strains can often be cared by the athlete.
What NOT to do when injured
1. Do not hide your injury. Report it to your coach or trainer immediately.
2. Don’t put on any type of heat to an injury without instructions from your doctor or trainer.
3. Do not treat an injury if you have no idea what’s wrong. Consult your trainer or doctor.
4. Don’t splint or tape an injured part without a doctor’s oversight.
5. Do not take any drugs unless dictated by your doctor.
6. Avoid using an injured part if it’s hurting. More "hurting" entails more injury.
7. Do not go back to practice or competition till you have a full range of motion, full strength, and full work of the injured part.
The above "don’ts" are to be altered solely under the direct care of a doctor or a qualified, expert athletic trainer (not a student trainer). The speediest way to return to effective involvement is to restrict activity as long as there’s still pain and swelling and to follow strictly the ordered rehabilitation program and any schedule of planned exercise.
Sports Injuries Guidebook by Gotlin, Robert S
Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management by Marcia K. Anderson
In Seattle high schools, a survey of sports injuries were done and different sports were studied to determine their level of risk. Injuries happened most generally in contact or stressful sports, like wrestling, football and girls’ gymnastics, and were least common in sports like tennis, swimming and baseball. Those having a moderate figure of injuries included field hockey, basketball, and soccer.
Luckily, most sports injuries are not grave, and don’t make the athlete miss greater than 3 to 5 days of practice session or competition. The injured athlete should always bear the basic obligation for proper injury management, starting and following a management plan that will ensure return to competition as safely and as rapidly as possible. Immediate treatment and proper follow-through on a sound treatment plan are most crucial. Putting off care or neglecting to follow the ordered treatment plan will extend discomfort, cut down effectiveness, and will markedly step-up the odds of undergoing another injury.
You must inform your coach or trainer regarding whatever or all injuries so that you are able to get immediate treatment and get back to the game as soon as possible. Trying to "tough it out" and play with a sore injury can hurt both the player and the team. It is better to stay out of practice 2 or 3 days when having an injury rightly treated, coming back to practice only when completely recovered.
Managing Common Sports Injuries
The common injuries found in sports training and competitions are sprains of ligaments that support bony joints, bruises, and strains of muscles and the tendons that attach the muscles to bones. Fractures or broken bones and dislocated joints are common in sports like skiing and wrestling. Lacerations (cuts) occur generally in some sports. These injuries are not typically dangerous and definitely sprains, minor bruises and strains can often be cared by the athlete.
What NOT to do when injured
1. Do not hide your injury. Report it to your coach or trainer immediately.
2. Don’t put on any type of heat to an injury without instructions from your doctor or trainer.
3. Do not treat an injury if you have no idea what’s wrong. Consult your trainer or doctor.
4. Don’t splint or tape an injured part without a doctor’s oversight.
5. Do not take any drugs unless dictated by your doctor.
6. Avoid using an injured part if it’s hurting. More "hurting" entails more injury.
7. Do not go back to practice or competition till you have a full range of motion, full strength, and full work of the injured part.
The above "don’ts" are to be altered solely under the direct care of a doctor or a qualified, expert athletic trainer (not a student trainer). The speediest way to return to effective involvement is to restrict activity as long as there’s still pain and swelling and to follow strictly the ordered rehabilitation program and any schedule of planned exercise.
Sports Injuries Guidebook by Gotlin, Robert S
Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management by Marcia K. Anderson
Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol
There has been a significant increase in the number of individuals suffering from the effects of high cholesterol levels. Many studies have proven that an unhealthy increase in levels of bad cholesterol in the blood can lead to numerous diseases. High cholesterol levels could also increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among persons residing in industrialized countries such as the USA. The rising number of cases of high cholesterol levels may often be attributed to a diet consisting of high saturated fats, smoking and their sedentary lifestyle.
Several types of medications for the treatment of unhealthy cholesterol (LDL) levels have been made available to consumers. Most popular of these types of drugs is the HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor or simply known as statins. This form of cholesterol lowering medicines come in various name drugs and is being used more and more in order to help high-risk patients significantly lower their cholesterol levels. Another function of statins is to increase the levels of good cholesterol or HDL.
While statins and other recommended drugs for lowering cholesterol levels have been shown to be very effective, there are other ways for individuals to lower their bad cholesterol levels without resorting to the use of synthetic drugs. One of these ways is by leading a more dynamic lifestyle. Exercise and physical activities are crucial parts of some therapies that aim to bring down bad cholesterol levels. With regular exercise blood pressure is lowered and regulated. Excess weight is removed and diabetes risk is reduced.
Following a low cholesterol diet program can also help a great deal in the reduction high cholesterol levels. Scientists have discovered that a low cholesterol diet can decrease bad cholesterol levels by as much as 29 percent in a month's time. This indicates that a recommended dietary program can also be as effective as synthetic drugs like statins for treating people who suffer from high cholesterol levels. Studies have also shown that consuming low cholesterol and high fiber foods can reduce a person's LDL by seven percent.
A carefully planned diet program that can help individuals avoid the development of coronary heart disease. These types of diet include eating non-hydrogenated or unprocessed fats and having a diet rich in soy protein, nuts and fiber-rich foods such as barley and oats. Increased consumption of Omega-3 fats from fish as well as other plant sources put up also have a positive effect in a low cholesterol diet as well the consumption of good amount of fruits and vegetables.
Weight Loss Dilemma: To Snack or Not to Snack?
The snacking works two ways. If not watched carefully, it could ruin an otherwise healthy diet. On the other hand, if done properly, you can control this snacking in a way that will make you healthier. So, even if still wish to eat snacks during the day, there are several ways to do such without harming your healthy diet. Sticking to your diet when you feel the urge to snack might be difficult, but the extra effort you will make will be worth it because it keeps your body in great shape.
To control unhealthy snacking, simply eat smaller yet more frequent meals every few hours. If you nibble on junk food or chips because you feel hunger, chances are that you are spending more energy for ingesting which takes away that extra fuel your body needs for other activities. By eating 6 smaller but nutritious meals daily, the temptation to eat junk food will be lessened and you will keep your energy at high levels.
You can also help to intercept your snacking urge by simply getting rid of the temptation. Even before you reach for a those potato chips or bag of cookies, ask yourself if you are truly hungry or if you are just bored. Does your body need it, or because it is a force of habit to eat when doing something (like watching TV). If you are grabbing a snack because you are truly hungry, then it is fine if to have eat something. There are lots of good snacks that are filling and nutritious at the same time. But if you are not hungry or you are just bored, you must try to eliminate the temptation. Simply get rid of those junk foods and stop buying those items again when you go shopping for your food.
From now on, choose healthy snacks. Analyze the snacks you are eating. Are they part of a food group such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products or protein? If the answer is negative, then that snack is unlikely to be beneficial to your body. Are you eating food in moderation or in small servings? Anything that is too much is bad. Healthy snack foods include carrot sticks or vegetable sticks, yogurt for your dairy product needs, or whole wheat cereal bars for you grains food group. Candy, potato chips, and other chemically processed foods do not count.
When choosing your snacks, carefully consider your drinks as well. Drinks like soda, instant iced tea, fruit punch, lemonade, and juice boxes may contain artificial ingredients and loads of sugar. These types of beverages are high in calories but are low in nutrient content. Choose drinks that will supplement your healthy diet instead. Water most of natural fruit juices drinks are better choices. Low-fat milk may also be taken. Also stay away from most forms of alcoholic beverage. Red wine may be taken in moderation because 1 serving of red wine daily is good for your heart and overall health, but other types of alcohol, especially in large quantities is understandably bad for your body.
How Bread Can Help Burn Fat
Bread is not such a dreadful thing. It’s what you put on it, such as butter, cream cheese, or margarine that is actually fattening, but never the bread itself. We’ll say this again and again - fat makes us fat. Think about this - one gram of carbohydrate contains four calories, one gram of protein has four, and a gram of fat equals nine calories. Looking at this, which of these is actually fattening?
Bread is one great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber; therefore, it is good for people who are watching their diets. In a study made by Norwegian scientist Dr. Bjarne Jacobsen, he found that people who eat less than two slices of bread everyday weigh just about 11 pounds more that those who consume lots of bread.
Several studies at Michigan State University show that there are some types of bread that can actually repress the appetite. Researchers made a comparative study between white bread and dark, high-fiber bread and found that those who ate 12 slices of the dark, high-fiber bread daily felt lesser hunger pangs on a day-to-day basis and, in fact lost five pounds in a span of two months. Others who consumed white bread felt hungrier, ate more of the fattening foods and did not lose weight during this period.So the secret is in eating dark, rich, high-fiber breads like whole wheat, pumpernickel, oatmeal, mixed grain, and the like. An average slice of whole grain bread only has 60 to 70 calories and has high complex carbohydrate content - which is the best, most constant fuel you can provide your body.
© 2010 Athena Goodlight
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