The Importance of Choosing Proper-Fitting Shoes

Many women experience foot ailments because of poor-fitting shoes and high heels, although some causes are congenital. Some common problems include:
  • Bunions - Big toe joints go come out of alignment sometimes becoming swollen and painful. This condition is normally aggravated by wearing narrow, pointed-toe shoes.
  • Plantar fasciitis- is an inflammation of plantar fascia, the connective tissue which is stretches along the heel to the ball of the foot, causing pain on the foot.
  • Metatarsalgia- is pain felt in the forefoot area, often experienced when wearing high-heeled, narrow-pointed shoes.
Generally, feet are susceptible to fungus growth which may result in itching and burning sensations. Fungal infections that develop under the toenails can cause incredible pain while walking, standing and wearing shoes. Foot and toenail infections can be contagious, and may spread on floors, carpets and also in the bathtub or shower...READ MORE>>

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