How to Make Your Own Oatmeal Facial Treatment

Did you know it's not necessary to spend a lot of money for a great facial, try looking in your kitchen cabinets first. Lots of spas are turning to homeopathic methods of cleansing and invigorating the skin. Why pay someone for an oatmeal facial when you can make one for yourself for a fraction of the cost and without leaving your home? Below are a few recipes you can make at home with the items found in your home.

A tablespoon of oatmeal powder, a single egg white, and a few drops of lemon oil are what you need for this first recipe. Most natural or homeopathic stores carry lemon oil or you can look for it in the organic section of your grocery store. Grind some of the oatmeal you have on hand to make your own oatmeal powder. Make sure it is natural oatmeal and not the heat instantly kind! Because you're using egg in this mixture, it's important to mix the ingredients together thoroughly and completely. Be careful to avoid your eyes as you spread the mixture on your face. Allow mask to dry completely, which should take about twenty minutes. After it's dried, wash off with water and a soft washcloth. This next recipe is great for dry skin. Mix a cup of oatmeal with a ripe banana that has been mashed. This makes a really thick mixture which you can thin with some milk to make a creamy paste. Spread the resulting paste on your face, avoiding the area around your eyes and let sit for around fifteen minutes. After the fifteen minutes, rinse it off with clean water. And now you have wonderfully moisturized skin.

Chop of a tomato-the whole thing, skin, seeds, etc. Add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix until blended into a coarse texture. Now wash your face and rinse clean then pat dry.

Now simply apply this mixture onto face and neck areas avoiding the area around the eyes. Once you've let this sit for a few minutes, around 10 is good, then you can rinse with warm water.

You probably already have all the ingredients needed to make these recipes. Not only will you save money by making your own facials but you will have beautiful skin. If you can get the same results in the comfort of your home, why spend extra money at a spa?